Just back home in Houston, to the 25-28 degree and hopefully sun in one of these days. Promised rain and thunder tonight, Laila is away to Washington DC and I had to enjoy the wine tasting on my own.
I loved it, The Surh Luchtel winery was presented by Gary Luchtel. Was interesting to talk with him, looking ahead some years and we want to find a place in Italy, good reason to learn about wine and wine makers.
If we manage this summer to travel as planed to CA I am sure we will manage to get to Napa Valley too. And Surh Luchtel will be one of the wineries we will be visiting. I got home with a bag of 6 bottles. 2 white; Sur Luchtel Viognier Fortunati Vineyard in Oak Knoll District(2008), 2 bottles of Surh Luchtel Pinor Noir Gary’s Vineyard(2007) and 2 bottles of Surh Luchtel Cabernet Sauvignon Stagecoach Vineyard(2005)
Still space left open in our buffet wine collector, bottom part arrives on Thursday before Laila is back from Washington.
Interesting is the cork. Not cork but a glass cork stopper I have never seen before. Will bring on a picture soon as I got one with me home.
I get to know these guys now at The Tasting Room, Ludovic Poirier who has been in Houston for 14 years (just was to be here for a couple of years) is the General Manager of the TTC CityCentre. Another great guy is Michael Sandoval, Director Retail Wine Sales. I am sure that if Statoil like to have an event there could be some good deals as all is close to Hotel Sorella.
Looking 2-3 years ahead, I am sure it will be a place to eat and drink good wine, and buy after tasting. Great guys, great food and great wine.
By the way I did not mention that Gary Luchtel lived in Sweden in his young days as he had a Swedish girlfriend and still speak Swedish. He lived in Malmø so he was speaking Anna Anka language “skånsk”. Today his mother in law is from Italy, I accept both these days.