tirsdag 1. februar 2011

Nordic Cleantech Open

It will be official on Thursday, and we can hope for some of the newspapers to bring it up, but our family company is one of the 25 most promising Cleantech companies in the Nordic countries.
The award up to now that has been important to us is the free software from AUTODESK, the main sponsor for the event. Innowind has used INVENTOR in its design and presentations and are please to manage to upgrade and add new software from AUTODESK to improve all our presentations for the future.

In addition we will be presented in the folder Nordic Cleantech Open will present at London Stock Exchange February 14th, but we will not participate on this event ourselves nor at the get together og all the 25 companies in Trollholm this coming weekend.
Would like to meet up with Lassi Naponen, he has been the chair of the Board of the Finish wind turbine manufacturer WinWind. A company that was partly sold to the UAE company MASDAR.
It will be a busy weekend next week so rush back and forth to Sweden and UK and have meetings in Houston in between in addition lose out on Super Bowl, I stay home.
However we are proud of the announcement that we are one of the most promising 25 Cleantech companies in the 5 Nordic countries.

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