søndag 10. juli 2011

After 3 days on the road

We have arrived at our first wine tasting area. Temecula and staying at a Bed & Breakfast we chosen because it looks to be a cozy, family run place for us to feel home and it would be a good start on our vacation.

And so it was, already by the reception of chef Dean we understood it would be a great stay. Meeting the wife and the son too, we knew. OK we have not slept yet and we have three nights here but I am sure it will be hard for the next 4 places we will stay to come up towards this. Three of the places we do not know yet where will be.

So how was the ride? Not so bad, interesting to see the nature changes from state to state, stopped twice by board patrols, amazing landscapes, and places that God had forgotten and Devil left.

Closer to Temecula we could see nice cars on the road and wineries with Tuscany touch. In addition we were advised to visit two that only was open in the weekend as we are leaving on Wednesday.

Taste of the day was Doffo’s. Zulma Doffo, an Argentinen guy who had a small winery at 36083 Summitville in Temecula. (www.doffowines.com)

What we brought with us home to the B&B was the Paulina sparkling. The bottle was empty after listening to music from across the street at Thornton Winery.

We also visited Palumbo Family Vineyard (http://www.palumbowines.com/). Must say we liked better the wines there. Even we brought with us for the fridge a Rosato Secco Rose we also enjoyed very much the two red, Cabernet and Merlot from their Catfish Vineyard.

WOW and this was just the beginning of a 3 week’s vacation. Yes we made our plans for tomorrow, will it be 2, 3 or 5 winery’s that will be visited. Join us tomorrow and see, at least we have a great stay already.

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