When you are on vacation one need to be a bit adventures, for me that is to jump on the bike and have a day in between the vineyards with is beauty and scenery in addition to the tasting we do of chosen or by coincident stops along the way.
First of all I have to complement the place we rented our bikes. As we changed our schedule from yesterday until today to get on the bike we came to Wally’s Bicycle Rentals at 306 Higuera Street in San Luis Obispo (http://www.wallysbikes.com) and they have great choose of alternative bikes and not at least great service. Both prior to you hit the road, but also, like for me when you need it if something happens. We was 30 minutes or less out of town just by the local airport and I noticed my front tire was flat. We did not have any equipment to fix it so what could I do other than call the shop. Within 15 minutes Wally was there to assist me and gave me extra in case it happened again. It did not but for me that was service above expectations, so any wine lover or other that would hit the road with a rental bike in San Luis Obispo, you know where to find a rental bike there. And you do not need a flat tire to get the service, it is the way they are.
So back on the road with us to find the first vineyard, that was not easy, ok we passed some on the road, but we had chosen to start on the top and hit them on our way back to SLO.
Looking for Talley all the way until we ended up at Lopez Lake, so we turned around and started our visit on the first we go to at the road. Time for lunch too, and we got to Chamisal at Orcutt Rd, (http://www.chamisalvineyards.com) name change, we had it on the list as we read in the books as Domain Alfred.
New owner, but same people making the wine. Completely new wines for us, and how lucky we are to get to see some of these unknown vineries, this just grabbed us completely.
Like the Estate Chardonney, Pinot Noir and Grenache were just heavenly for our taste. We could not wait so a glass of the Chardonney bottle we bought was used for lunch and the rest get empty as I am writing the blog tonight.
The wine club from Chamisal will be looked up and I am sure they will have a new member in August.
We looked at the map and calculated 4 more vineries before we should be home. Lunch first and we brought with us from the local bakery almost next to the bike rental.
Great environment to do so end kept company by the estate dog that even welcomed us as we arrived. Lay at the floor looking at us and wondered what strangers we were.
After lunch heading down the road and a stop at Wolff, in short words not worth it. The wine did not taste and the layout of the tasting was bad, real bad, if they want something and up the line, do it also at the tasting room, for others pass that and find another place to visit.
Going around the bend we soon came to Biddle Ranch Rd. and Saucelito Canyon Winery. (http://www.saucelitocanyon.com)
They also had some tempting wines, after knowing the Pinot Grigio and Chardonney taste well in the region we also did find the best Sauvignon Blanc at this place along with some very good Zinfandels. Again a winemaker and wine to our taste with new introductions that we will enjoy in the years to come.
They also had some tempting wines, after knowing the Pinot Grigio and Chardonney taste well in the region we also did find the best Sauvignon Blanc at this place along with some very good Zinfandels. Again a winemaker and wine to our taste with new introductions that we will enjoy in the years to come.
We decided to go for one more, on the same road we find Edna Valley Vineyard. I am sure some already are familiar with their Chardonney, we brought with us back home a Cabernet Sauvignon Red Hill and a Sauvignon Blanc as the first Sauvignon we have found on our tour until now.
We got safely back to the hotel with our purchase, and delivered the bikes before the closed at 6pm. Heading to our afternoon stop at Starbucks and a cappuccino for both. Today we also had an early dinner, Pizza Margarita at California Pizza Kitchen, early bed as our legs needs rest, it was a long workout today, but just great, with thanks to Walley’s Bike Rent and to some of the wineries on the rout and the great scenery.
Just from the blogger as you see we ride safe. Use helmet on your bike rides around the globe, HSE
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